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Propaganda Machines
CNN, BBC, WorldNet, WorldWatch, ABC, FOX ,New York Times, and the rest of the Israelis , Amreicans, British propaganda machines have a five point agenda. First, they need to consolidate their media power and maintain their franchise as reliable and objective sources of information. If they think no one has noticed their ethnicity, even as they call for the ethnic profiling of Arab-Americans, they should take a poll. They will not be reassured.
They also need to take back the initiative from the President of the United
States, who seems to be suddenly steering an independent course. He might turn
out to be an America Firster, like most Texans. What is absolutely
certain is that the lobby wants to bring down the coalition and return to the
situation that existed until September 10, when Israel was deemed more important
than NATO, Russia and China combined. Third, they are desperate to escalate
the war and provoke America into a war with Iraq, Iran, Libya, Syria, Lebanon,
Algeria and the Sudan. Some of them want America to also shun Egypts Hosni
Mubarak, Saudi Arabia and bomb El Jazira. Their fourth goal is to bury the Israeli/conflict
and allow Sharon to continue his repression in a dark corner, away from the
public glare. Finally, they are desperate to retain their control over the narrative
of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, lest Americans start asking questions about
the history of mass media collaboration with the Israeli government. It is all
in their archives and they know the evidence is very incriminating and very
Un-American. So, if they cant tell you the truth, they will flood you
with volumes of information
and expert opinion.
Behind these
propaganda machine is Iblees (shaytaan) who is Invisible
and he is using Freemasons......FREEMASONRY --
Freemasons are using christians !